AlarmsOne Integration

AlarmsOne - Overview

AlarmsOne is a centralized IT alert management tool provided by ManageEngine, that helps you manage all your IT alerts in one console. Third-party applications can be integrated with AlarmsOne to make alarm management easy.

Key Benefits

With AlarmsOne integration, you can:

  • Consolidate all your IT alerts and group them based on host, network device, application, database, and more. Get visibility into each alert to help you minimize downtime and maximize performance.
  • Reduce alert noise, create on-call schedules to notify your technicians about incidents through email, SMS, and call alerts, escalate unattended alerts, modify alert content to create actionable alerts, and so on.

Integrating with AlarmsOne

You can integrate Applications Manager with AlarmsOne in one of two ways:

If you don't have an AlarmsOne account, click here to create one.

Integrate AlarmsOne into Applications Manager

Follow the below steps to integrate AlarmsOne with Applications Manager and start managing your alerts in AlarmsOne:

  1. Log in to your AlarmsOne account and go to Settings > Show API key. Copy the API key. (The API Key used to integrate AlarmsOne. This Key is generated when you create an AlarmsOne account.)
  2. Log in to Applications Manager and go to the AlarmsOne section. 
  3. Click Integrate in APM. This will take you to the Add-on Settings page. (Alternatively, you can navigate directly to the Add-on Settings page from the Settings tab itself).
  4. Click on the Add button shown in the AlarmsOne section to add a new account. This will take you to the AlarmsOne Integration page.
  5. Paste the copied AlarmsOne API key in the AlarmsOne API Key field.
  6. If you check the Sync recent alarms checkbox, you can sync the recent 500 active alarms to AlarmsOne.
  7. Click Save.

This completes the integration process. Now you can view and manage your alerts in AlarmsOne. Click here to learn how to configure AlarmsOne's features such as noise reductionescalationson-call schedulingalarm modifierdowntime, etc.

Note: This integration needs an active internet connection to send alarms from Applications Manager to AlarmsOne in real time.

Manage Applications Manager Alarms in AlarmsOne

The AlarmsOne Integration page displays the AlarmsOne User Email-id, the Last Synched Time, the Last Sync Status, Last Alert Created Time and icons to Edit, Enable/Disable sync, or Delete an integration.

Edit, Update or Delete an integration

  • Go to the Settings tab and then Add-On Settings.
  • In the AlarmsOne Integration section, click the Edit icon to edit AlarmsOne details.
  • Enable the "Enable Sync status" checkbox if you want to push the sync status along with the alert to AlarmsOne.
  • If you check the Enable Syncing checkbox, alerts are pushed to AlarmsOne. This option is displayed only after integration is done.  You can also enable/disable the sync status under Add-On Settings.
  • You can delete an integration by clicking the Delete icon in the AlarmsOne Integration section.
Note: To update the details, AlarmsOne API key is mandatory.

Re-integrating with AlarmsOne

This option is shown if, after integrating with AlarmsOne, the user deletes the Applications Manager integration in his AlarmsOne account.

  • Go to the Settings tab and then Add-On Settings.
  • In AlarmsOne Integration section, click the Re-integrate link (under the "Last Sync Status" column).
  • The same AlarmsOne account will be re-integrated.

E-mail notification

While pushing alerts to AlarmsOne, if an error occurs,  the user will be notified through email. The e-mail states the reason the alert could not be pushed to the AlarmsOne account and the time at which the error occured. This notification mail will be sent only the first time an error occurs.

Integrate AlarmsOne Through Alarm Poller Agent

You can integrate Applications Manager from the AlarmsOne account itself using Alarm Poller agent. The agent will pull the alerts from Applications Manager every minute and push it to AlarmsOne server. Click here to know how to set this up.


  • It is possible to sync only 3000 alerts to AlarmsOne in 5 minutes. This is because 500 alerts are synced in a single API call and the remaining 2500 in a bulk API call (500 per call). Alerts that exceed this threshold are removed. Single API calls can be used to execute actions, whereas bulk API calls cannot.
  • Alert message length can be 50000 characters only.