Installing and Uninstalling EUM Agent

System Requirements

On-premise Setup

Number of MonitorsOSProcessorMemoryHard Disk
1 to 5 Windows / Linux 4 Core / 2.4 GHz and above 8 GB RAM 40 GB & above
6 to 20 Windows / Linux 8 Core / 2.4 GHz and above 16 GB RAM 75 GB & above

Cloud VM Setup

Number of MonitorsProcessorHard DiskAWS recommended instance typeAzure recommended instance size
1 to 5 4 Core / 2.4 GHz and above 40 GB & above Type: m4.xlarge
vCPU: 4
Memory: 16 GB
Processor: 2.4 GHZ
Size: D4s_v3
vCPU: 4
Memory: 16 GB
Processor: 2.4 GHZ
6 to 20 8 Core / 2.4 GHz and above 75 GB & above Type: m4.2xlarge
vCPU: 8
Memory: 32 GB
Processor: 2.4 GHZ
Size: D8s_v3
vCPU: 8
Memory: 32 GB
Processor: 2.4 GHZ
  • We strongly recommend assigning a dedicated machine for the EUM Agent for production purposes.
  • The recommendations are based on five steps per monitor. The configuration will vary depending on the load.
  • A maximum of 20 EUM Agents are allowed per Applications Manager instance.
  • RBM monitor with Edge playback is supported only on the Windows EUM agent.
The performance of the monitor is influenced by the following factors:
  • The number of steps added in the monitor
  • The polling interval of the monitor
  • The time taken for the page to load

Installing EUM Agent

To start end user monitoring from multiple locations, you have to install the EUM agents in the respective locations. The agents can be installed in both Windows and Linux systems. Please note that the EUM agents will work only if the central Applications Manager server is running.

Note: Edge-based EUM Agents can be installed only on Windows Server with Microsoft Edge (versions 17 & above) Support.


Follow the steps given below to install the EUM agent in Windows systems.

  1. Download the EUM Agent (.exe) file for Windows.
  2. Execute the downloaded file. The installshield wizard will open up. Click Next to continue. Read the license agreement and click the Yes button.
  3. Select the language in which you wish to install EUM Agent and click Next.
  4. Specify the details of your Applications Manager installation such as host, port, and EUM API Key (which is available under Settings → REST API → End User Monitoring). Click Next to proceed.
  5. Provide the location where the EUM agent should be installed in your machine. Click Browse to provide a different location of installation. Click Next.
  6. Specify the name of the folder to be placed in Program Folder. The default is ManageEngine End User Monitoring Agent. Click Next.
  7. If you want to install EUM as a service, select the 'Install End User Monitoring Agent as Service' option and click Next. Please note that you need to have administrative privileges to install the EUM agent as a service.
    Note: Click here to learn about the prerequisites to perform Chrome and Edge playback in an EUM Agent running in service mode.
  8. The current settings will be displayed in the next screen. If you need to make any changes, click Back, or else click Next to continue with the installation. Once you click Next, the setup will start copying the jar files necessary for the EUM agent.
  9. In the final step of the installation wizard, there are options available to View the Read me file and to Launch the End User Monitoring Agent Now. Select these options if required. Click Finish to complete the installation process.


Follow the steps given below to install the EUM agent in Linux systems.

  1. Download the EUM Agent (.bin) file for Linux.
  2. Execute the downloaded file. The Installation Wizard is displayed. Click Next to continue. Read the license agreement, accept the terms of the license agreement and click Next.
  3. Select the language in which you wish to install EUM Agent and click Next.
  4. Provide the location where the EUM agent should be installed in your machine. Click Next.
  5. Current Settings will be displayed in the next screen. If you need to make changes, click Previous, else click Install to install the EUM Agent.
  6. Specify the details of your Applications Manager installation such as host, port, and EUM API Key (which is available under Settings → REST API → End User Monitoring). Click Next to proceed.
  7. Click Finish to complete the installation process.
  8. Once installed, you can start the EUM agent by executing the command sh from <EUM_Agent_Home> directory.
  • You can also install the EUM agent via command line. Just type in the following command in the command prompt:
    ./EUM_Agent_64bit.bin -console
    Execution of this command will take you through the installation process.
  • Real Browser Monitor (RBM) via Firefox and Chrome browsers are supported in Linux.
  • Users need Administrative privileges to install and run the agent in both the Windows and Linux OS.
  • We recommend that you do not have more than one installation of the EUM agent in a machine as this causes malfunctioning in agent data collection in certain cases.
  • Maximum allowed EUM Agents per Applications Manager instance is 20.

Uninstalling EUM Agent

In Windows:

  1. If the EUM agent is running, you should stop the agent before uninstalling it. You can stop the agent using any of these options:
    1. Use the Start menu->All Programs->ManageEngine EndUser Monitoring Agent->Stop Server option.
    2. From the command prompt, execute the StopServer.bat file present under the <ManageEngine/EUMAgent> folder.
  2. Use the Start menu->All Programs->ManageEngine EndUser Monitoring Agent->Uninstall option. The installshield wizard will be displayed. Follow the instructions shown on screen to uninstall the agent.
  3. Remove the agent completely using the Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs option.

In Linux:

  1. From the command line, go to the <EUMAgent Home>directory and execute the below commands:
    sh -force
  2. Exit out of the command prompt and close all the files and folders opened in the <EUMAgent Home> directory.
  3. Execute the command ./Uninstall from the <EUMAgent>/Uninstall directory and follow the process. If there is no GUI or if you are uninstalling from a remote server, execute the command ./Uninstall -console from the <EUMAgent>/Uninstall directory and follow the process.

End User Monitoring Agent Settings

When you start the End User Monitoring agent, the EUM web client will be automatically launched. The web client can be accessed at the URL http://localhost:9999 where localhost is the host system where the EUM agent is installed and 9999 is the port number where the EUM agent is running.

Upon accessing the EUM agent, you will be prompted with the EUM login page. Login using EUM API Key, which is available under Settings → REST API → End User Monitoring. To learn how to change Applications Manager hostname, port number and other proxy settings, refer here.

Note: To configure EUM agent settings for versions 17.0 & below, refer here.

After successful login, you will be redirected to the Agent Settings page. Here you can modify the necessary EUM agent settings by clicking the Edit button and updating the settings. These changes will take effect only when you restart the agent.

Server Settings

The Server settings specified here are used to establish a successful connection with the Applications Manager instance:
  • Server Host: Hostname of your Applications Manager instance.
  • Server SSL Port: Provide SSL port of your Applications Manager instance. The port configurations can be viewed in AMServer.Properties file located under <Applications Manager Home>\conf\ directory.
  • EUM API Key: API key for user authentication, which is available under Settings → REST API → End User Monitoring.
  • Polling Interval: Polling Interval in minutes.
  • Allow multiple agents with the same host name: This option should be enabled when a user’s network has multiple servers with the same hostname and the user needs to deploy an Agent on each one. Click here to learn more.

Note:You have to restart the EUM agent for the any changes in Server settings to take effect.

Proxy Settings

The Proxy settings specified here are used to establish a successful connection with the Applications Manager instance:

  • Auto-detect proxy settings for this network - EUM Agent automatically detects the proxy settings to be used.
  • No proxy - EUM Agent connects without a proxy.
  • Use system proxy settings – EUM Agent uses the proxy settings defined in your system settings.
  • Automatic proxy configuration URL – EUM agent uses the proxy settings defined in the PAC file.
  • Manual proxy configuration:
  • Proxy Host & Proxy Port: Enter the value of the proxy host & port on which the proxy connection will run.
  • Username & Password: Enter the username & password for authorization.
  • No Proxy: Give the domain names for which the manual proxy configurations should not be applied. The following rules are applicable:
  • Use semicolons(;) to separate entries
  • The host may be any of the following types:
  • A complete host name (e.g.
  • A domain name. Domain names must begin with a dot (e.g. "")
  • An IP-address (e.g. "")
  • An IP-subnet, specified as an IP-address and a netmask separated by a "/" (e.g. ""). A 0 bit in the netmask means that bit won't be used in the comparison (i.e. the addresses are AND'ed with the netmask before comparison).

Note: You have to restart the EUM agent for the any changes in Proxy settings to take effect. If you have chosen any one of the following options: No proxy, Use system proxy settings or Automatic proxy configuration URL; the EUM agent will automatically detect proxy settings to be used while connecting to Applications Manager.

WebDriver Settings

WebDriver specified here will be used to perform playback during each data collection.

  • Microsoft Edge WebDriver Path: Complete filepath of the Microsoft Edge WebDriver installed on the server where this End User Monitoring Agent is installed. If the WebDriver is installed under C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ then the provide the path as C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MicrosoftWebDriver.exe

    Click here to find the steps to configure WebDriver for Microsoft Edge (versions 17 & above).

  • Google Chrome WebDriver Path: Complete file path of the Google Chrome WebDriver installed on the server where this End User Monitoring Agent is installed.
    Sample driver path:
    For Windows : C:\Windows\chromedriver.exe
    For Linux : /home/test/chromedriver

    Click here to find the steps to configure WebDriver for Google Chrome (versions 65 & above).

  • Playback using Microsoft Edge WebDriver is supported only in the End User Monitoring Agent installed on Windows Server with Microsoft Edge (versions 17 & above) Support.
  • Playback using Google Chrome WebDriver is supported only in the End User Monitoring Agent installed on Server with Google Chrome (versions 65 & above) support.