ListMonitorGroups API
This API will fetch all the List of Monitor Groups created in the Server which includes all the sub-groups and associated monitors configured of the Monitor group. This will also list the monitor groups associated to the user. This will have information about monitor groups today's availability, monitor health outages among subgroups and associated monitors.
API for XML Response:
https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/ListMonitorGroups?apikey=[ API Key ]&type=all
API for JSON Response:
https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/json/ListMonitorGroups?apikey=[ API Key ]&groupId=10000035
Supported HTTP methods: GET, POST
Allowed roles: Administrator, Operator, User
Request Parameters:
Field |
Description |
groupId |
This parameter is used to get the Monitor Group and its associated monitors based on the monitor group id for the user |
groupName |
This parameter is used to get the Monitor Group and its associated monitors based on the monitor group name for the user. |
outageReports |
This parameter is used to determine whether the user need outage reports. The value of this parameter is either true or false. The default value is true. The following details are added in the response if value is "true":
- AvailabilityUnknownCount
- HealthUnknownCount
severityDetails |
This parameter is used to define whether the user need severity details or not. The value of this parameter is either true or false. The default value is true. The following details are added in the response if value is "true":
- HealthRCAURL
- AvailabilityRCAURL
treeview |
This parameter is used for displaying the tree view structure of the given monitor group. The values are,
- toplevel - Displays the all parent monitor groups of the given group.
- bottomlevel - Displays the all child monitor groups of the given group.
- all - Displays the all parent and child monitor groups of the given group.
If none of the above arguments passed, by default the first level sub-group will be displayed. |
listOnlyParentGroups |
If this parameter is set to true, only the parent monitor groups will be listed. |
Note: If the groupName or groupId is not specified in the input, then all the Monitor Group details will be pulled up in the response.
Response Details:
Field |
Description |
DetailsPageURL |
This is the url for the details page of the monitor group |
This value represents the today's unavailability perecentage |
AvailabilityRCAURL |
This represents the Availability RCA Url. |
Action |
This represents status of the monitor group whether actions or enabled or not |
This represents the critical monitors/monitorgroups count |
This Represents the displayname of the monitor group |
This represents the total number of monitors/monitor groups down in this group |
This value represents the today's availability perecentage |
This value represents the today's scheduled downtime perecentage |
Type |
This value represents type i.e Monitor group or sub group |
This represents the severity of the health for this Monitor group (1-critical, 4-warning & 5-clear) |
HealthUnknownCount |
This represents the number of monitors or subgroups for which the health is unknown. |
This represents the severity of the availability for this monitor group (1-down , 5-up) |
This is the availability message for this group |
This is the resourceid of the monitor group. |
This represents the number of monitors or subgroups for which the health is clear. |
This represents the current data collection status of the Monitor Group. Possible Values : "UNMANAGED" if Monitor Group is in unmanaged state / "MANAGED" if Monitor is currently managed. |
This represents the number of monitors or subgroups for which the availability is up. |
HealthRCAURL |
This represents the link which show the Health RCA of this group. |
This value represents the today's unmanaged perecentage |
This is the health message for this group |
AvailabilityUnknownCount |
This represents the number of monitors or subgroups for which the availability is unknown. |
This represents the number of monitors or subgroups for which the health is not clear. |
This represents the number of monitors or subgroups for which the health is warning. |
This represents health status of this group (CRITICAL / CLEAR / WARNING) |
This represents availablility status of this group (UP/ DOWN) |
SubMonitorGroup |
- DetailsPageURL --- This is the details page of the sub group
- TODAYUNAVAILPERCENT --- this is today's unavailability percentage for sub group
- AvailabilityRCAURL --- this represents the availability RCA url for sub group
- Action --- this states whether the actions are enabled for this subgroup or not.
- NAME \ DISPALYNAME --- this is the displayname of the subgroup
- TODAYAVAILPERCENT --- this is today's availability percentage for sub group
- TODAYSCHEDDOWNPERCENT --- this is today's scheduled downtime percentage for sub group
- HEALTHSEVERITY --- this is health severity of the sub group
- TYPE --- this represents whether it is subgroup/group
- AVAILABILITYSEVERITY --- this is availability severity of the sub group
- AVAILABILITYMESSAGE --- this is availability message of the sub group
- RESOURCEID --- this is resource id the sub group
- HealthRCAURL --- this is health RCA url of this sub group
- TODAYUNMANGDPERCENT --- this is today's unmanaged percentage of the sub group
- HEALTHMESSAGE --- this is health message of the sub group
- HEALTHSTATUS --- this is health status of the sub group
- AVAILABILITYSTATUS --- this is availability status of the sub group
Case 0: When the type is all
<AppManager-response uri="/AppManager/xml/ListMonitorGroups">
<response response-code="4000">
<MonitorGroup DetailsPageURL="/"
TODAYUNAVAILPERCENT="0.0" AvailabilityRCAURL="/jsp/RCA.jsp?resourceid=10000036&attributeid=17" Action="enabled" CRITICALCOUNT="0" NAME="Applications Manager"
AVAILABILITYSEVERITY="5" AVAILABILITYMESSAGE="Resource Applications Manager is up. <br>Root Cause : <br>Resource is Up" RESOURCEID="10000036" CLEARCOUNT="5" UPCOUNT="5"
HealthRCAURL="/jsp/RCA.jsp?resourceid=10000036&attributeid=18" TODAYUNMANGDPERCENT="0.0" HEALTHMESSAGE="Health of Applications Manager is clear. <br>Root Cause : <br>Health is Clear"
AvailabilityUnknownCount="0" OUTAGES="0/5" DISPLAYNAME="Applications Manager_karthi-0031" WARNINGCOUNT="0" HEALTHSTATUS="clear" AVAILABILITYSTATUS="up" />
Case 1: When the outageReports is false
<AppManager-response uri="/AppManager/xml/ListMonitorGroups"><result><response response-code="4000"><MonitorGroups><MonitorGroup HEALTHMESSAGE="Health of Applications Manager is critical. <br>Root Cause : <br><ol><li>Health of host-0589_Windows 7 is critical. <br>Root Cause : <br>1. aaa is down <br>2. 111 is down <br></li></ol>" Type="Monitor Group" DISPLAYNAME="Applications Manager" AVAILABILITYMESSAGE="Resource Applications Manager is up. <br>Root Cause : <br>Resource is Up" AVAILABILITYSEVERITY="5" Action="enabled" HEALTHSTATUS="critical" DESCRIPTION="The resources used by Applications Manager" HealthRCAURL="/jsp/RCA.jsp?resourceid=10000029&attributeid=18" RESOURCEID="10000029" AVAILABILITYSTATUS="up" AvailabilityRCAURL="/jsp/RCA.jsp?resourceid=10000029&attributeid=17" DetailsPageURL="/" NAME="Applications Manager" HEALTHSEVERITY="1"/></MonitorGroups></response></result></AppManager-response>
Case 2: When the severityDetails is false
<AppManager-response uri="/AppManager/xml/ListMonitorGroups"><result><response response-code="4000"><MonitorGroups><MonitorGroup DetailsPageURL="/" TODAYUNAVAILPERCENT="0.0" Action="enabled" CRITICALCOUNT="1" NAME="Applications Manager" TODAYAVAILPERCENT="100.0" DOWNCOUNT="0" TODAYSCHEDDOWNPERCENT="0.0" Type="Monitor Group" HealthUnknownCount="0" DESCRIPTION="The resources used by Applications Manager" RESOURCEID="10000029" UPCOUNT="4" CLEARCOUNT="3" TODAYUNMANGDPERCENT="0.0" AvailabilityUnknownCount="0" OUTAGES="1/4" DISPLAYNAME="Applications Manager" WARNINGCOUNT="0"/></MonitorGroups></response></result></AppManager-response>
Case 3: When both the outageReports and the severityDetails are false
<AppManager-response uri="/AppManager/xml/ListMonitorGroups"><result><response response-code="4000"><MonitorGroups><MonitorGroup RESOURCEID="10000029" DISPLAYNAME="Applications Manager" DESCRIPTION="The resources used by Applications Manager" Type="Monitor Group" DetailsPageURL="/" Action="enabled" NAME="Applications Manager"/><MonitorGroup RESOURCEID="10000103" DISPLAYNAME="ParentGrp1" DESCRIPTION="Description....This service is critical to our business" Type="Monitor Group" DetailsPageURL="/" Action="enabled" NAME="ParentGrp1"><SubMonitorGroup RESOURCEID="10000104" DISPLAYNAME="SubGrp1" DetailsPageURL="/" Action="enabled" NAME="SubGrp1" IMAGEPATH="/images/icon_monitors_app.gif" TYPE="Sub Group"></SubMonitorGroup></MonitorGroups></response></result></AppManager-response>
Sample Requests
JSON Input:
JSON Response:
{"response-code":"4000","response":{"uri":"/AppManager/json/ListMonitorGroups","result":[{"DetailsPageURL":"/","TODAYUNAVAILPERCENT":"100.0","AvailabilityRCAURL":"/jsp/RCA.jsp?resourceid=20000036&attributeid=17","Action":"enabled","CRITICALCOUNT":"1","NAME":"Applications Manager","DOWNCOUNT":"1","TODAYAVAILPERCENT":"0.0","TODAYSCHEDDOWNPERCENT":"0.0","Type":"Monitor Group","HEALTHSEVERITY":"1","HealthUnknownCount":"0","AVAILABILITYSEVERITY":"1","AVAILABILITYMESSAGE":"Resource Applications Manager is down. <br>Root Cause : <br><ol><li>Resource down. <br>The resource AppManager Home Page is not available.Connection Timed Out. Increase the time out level:ResponseCode -200<br>-->><\/li><\/ol>","RESOURCEID":"20000036","CLEARCOUNT":"2"," "STATUS": "MANAGED",UPCOUNT":"2","HealthRCAURL":"/jsp/RCA.jsp?resourceid=20000036&attributeid=18","TODAYUNMANGDPERCENT":"0.0","HEALTHMESSAGE":"Health of Applications Manager is Critical. <br>Root Cause : <br><ol><li>Health of AppManager Home Page is critical. <br>Root Cause : <br>1. AppManager Home Page is down<br><\/li><\/ol>","AvailabilityUnknownCount":"0","OUTAGES":"1/3","DISPLAYNAME":"Applications Manager","WARNINGCOUNT":"0","HEALTHSTATUS":"critical","AVAILABILITYSTATUS":"down"}]}}
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