Replaceable Tags

Alarm Configuration can be further enhanced by 'Replaceable Tags'. An email action is configured, if, for e.g., Tomcat Server goes down. While creating the E-Mail action, you can specify the "Message" as "This resource is running $HOSTNAME at port $PORT. If the Tomcat Server goes down, then email action is triggered with a message that contains the actual name of the Host and Port Number. Hereby the Dollar Tags are replaced with the host in which the tomcat server is running and the exact port of the tomcat server.

Further, if you want Applications Manager to pass arguments to Custom Scripts, which would be invoked as part of 'Execute Program Action', you can make use of Replaceable Tags.

For e.g., in 'Execute Program Action' , you can give the value for 'Program To Execute' to be

If the action is invoked then the $tags would be replaced with the then actual values say
<run.bat MyServer 9090>

Find below the dollar tag parameters that can be associated with their probable values.

$MONITORNAME Name of the Monitor
$MONITORGROUP Name of the monitor group/ sub group/ web application group.
$ATTRIBUTE Various Attributes like Health, Availability, etc.,
$ATTRIBUTEVALUE Value of the attribute (eg., response time, memory usage,etc.,) that triggered the alarm.
4 (Warning)
5 (Clear/Up)
$SEVERITY Critical, Warning, Clear, Up and Down
$HOSTIP The IP Address of the Host
$MONITORTYPE Various Monitor Types like Tomcat-server, MYSQL-DB-server, Script Monitor, etc.,
$OBJECTNAME MBean Object name when associated to Custom Monitor attributes
$HOSTNAME Name of the Host
$PORT Port Number
$DATE Date and time at which the alarm was generated.
$RCAMESSAGE Root Cause Message like
Average Response Time of SQS_Tomcat-server_9095 is critical because its value 652 > 10ms.
[Threshold Details : Critical if value > 10, Warning if value = 10, Clear if value < 10]
$SHORT_MESSAGE Displays the first 150 characters of the message from $RCAMESSAGE.
$CUSTOM_{COLUMN_NAME} Displays the value of the column name specified for a tabular metric in a custom monitor. To use this tag, replace {COLUMN_NAME}with the exact (case-sensitive) column name of the tabular metric in the custom monitor.

Example: $CUSTOM_name, $CUSTOM_AGE, where name and AGE are the column names of the custom monitor.

Note: This tag is supported only for Script / Custom Monitor and Database Query Monitor.

$THRESHOLDMESSAGE The message specified by the user for the different severity levels in Threshold Profile.
$URL The URL of the monitor from where the action is triggered.
$TECHNICIAN The user who acknowledges the alarm generated.
$ANNOTATION Use the $ANNOTATION tag to add more details on a particular alarm
$STATUSFROM Shows the time value in which the attribute's last status occurred
$Label Custom Fields tag for the label of a resource.
$Configuration Item Id Custom Fields tag for the Configuration Item ID of a resource.
$Department Custom Fields tag for the department of a resource
$Description Custom Fields tag giving the description of a resource.
$Location Custom Fields tag for Location Details like Name, Floor, Building, City, State, Country and Postal code.
$User / Owner Custom Fields tag for the user or owner assigned.
$ENTITY Unique identifier for each monitoring object in Applications Manager.
Will be in $RESOURCEID_$ATTRIBUTEID format, where RESOURCEID is unique for each monitor and ATTRIBUTEID is unique for each metric.
$GROUPHIERARCHY List the hierarchy of monitor groups for a particular monitor/monitor group. Will work for all monitors and monitor groups
$RCAMSG_PLAINTEXT Root Cause Message without any html content like:
Average Response Time of SQS_Tomcat-server_9095 is critical because its value 652 > 10ms.
[Threshold Details : Critical if value > 10, Warning if value = 10, Clear if value < 10]

You can use it in the Program to Execute field in the Execute Program action.

$MONITOR_DETAILS_PAGE_URL Displays the URL link redirecting to the monitor's overview page.

Limitation of Dollar tags

These attributes will work for all the monitors / monitor groups
These attributes will not work for Monitor groups / URL / URL sequence monitor / Script Monitor / WMI counters / Web Services.
$OBJECTNAME This will work only for JMX custom attributes.
$OID This will work only for SNMP custom attributes.
$URL This will work only for URL monitor.
$HOSTIP, $HOSTNAME These will not work for Ping monitor and File monitor.
$ATTRIBUTEVALUE These attribute tags will not work in the Enterprise Edition Admin Server.
The $ tags will not be replaced when you execute the actions manually and not supported in Alarm Escalation.