Server Process Templates

A server process template is a pre-defined reusable collection of processes. It provides an easy way to add multiple processes for monitoring across a group of servers. For example, if you want to monitor the 'init' process in all your Linux servers, you can configure a server process template for this process and apply the template across all your Linux servers. This is better than manually adding the 'init' process in your Linux servers one by one.

Steps to Add a New Server Process Template:

  1. Under the Settings tab, click the Template Library option under the Discovery and Data collection table.

  2. Under Process Templates, you can find Server Process Templates option.

  3. Click on Add New to create a new template.

  4. Specify Template Name and Description.

  5. Click the Add Process link to add processes for monitoring. You can either Manually Enter the Process Details or Choose Process Details from Available Servers.

    • Manually enter process details: Specify the Process Name and Arguments. You can use Regular expressions while entering the Process Name and the Arguments by checking the Use Regular Expressions checkbox. (Regex Guide).
    • Auto Discover Instances: Specify the Process Name and Arguments. You can use Regular expressions for the Process Arguments. This adds all the process instances that matches with this configuration individually for monitoring. (Regex Guide).
    • Choose process details from available servers: Select the appropriate monitor type and the monitor(s), and click the Show Process link. All the processes running in the servers will be listed. Select the necessary process from the list and click OK.
  6. If you want to receive notifications when the threshold values of the process attributes are violated, you have to Configure Alarms for Attributes. The attributes of the process will be listed on the left-hand side. Click the Associate link corresponding to the attribute to open the Configure Alarms screen.

    • Select the necessary threshold from the Associate Threshold list box.
    • You can also Associate Actions for the thresholds if necessary. Choose the necessary action from the Available Actions list and add them to the Associated Actions list. By default, you can associate action for critical severity. If you want to associate actions for warning and clear severities, click theShow Advanced Options checkbox, and select the appropriate actions from the list.
    • Click Add to Template button once you have configured the thresholds and actions.
  7. You can apply your process and threshold configuration under the Associate Configuration to Monitors section. You can either apply the configuration to monitor types or choose from a list of monitors or apply to specific monitor groups.

    • To apply the configuration to specific monitor types, choose the Apply to Monitor Types option. The server types available in your Applications Manager installation will be listed below. Choose the required server type to apply the template to all servers of that type.
    • To apply the template to individual monitors, choose the Apply to Monitors option and choose the necessary monitor(s) from the list.
    • To apply the template to monitor groups, choose the Apply to Monitor Groups option and select from the monitor groups listed.
  8. Click Save Template to complete your server process template configuration.


Command & Arguments: F:\MySQL\mysql\bin\mysqld-nt.exe

  1. Applications Manager will check if the process is running and whether the command and arguments are same as that was being added initially. If the arguments change often then you can retain the command and remove the argument. You can also update the command & argument field with certain path which will not change throughout the lifecycle of the process.

    Example One:

    Process Name: java

    Command & Arguments: java/root/jdk1.5.0_07/bin/java -server -Xms128m -Xmx128m -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/root/JBoss/jboss-4.0.2/lib/endorsed -classpath /root/JBoss/jboss-4.0.2/bin/run.jar:/root/jdk1.5.0_07/lib/tools.jar org.jboss.Main

    Example Two:

    Process Name: mysqld-nt.exe

    Command & Arguments: F:\MySQL\mysql\bin\mysqld-nt.exe mysqld-nt --defaults-file=..\my.ini -u root -b .. --tmpdir=..\temp --standalone --port=13326 --default-character-set=latin1

    If the port or any other property changes often, you can just monitor the process using its name and command. Look at the command and arguments below for our recommendation w.r.t. the two examples above:

    Process Name: java

    Command & Arguments: /root/jdk1.5.0_07/bin/java

    Process Name: mysqld-nt.exe

Adding a Server Process Template from the Admin Server (Enterprise Edition)

You can create a new Server Process Template, associate services and configure alarms for attributes from the Admin Server using the same steps as in the Managed Server. However, templates configured in the Admin Server can be applied to different monitor types and monitor groups, not to individual monitors.