Server migration with a different FQDN, IP address and machine name

This document details all the steps to migrate your server to a new computer with a different FQDN, IP address, or machine name, and how to check whether all the agents have contacted the new server setup after the migration.

Points to keep in mind

  • After the server is migrated to a new FQDN/IP Address, all the mobile devices will have to be enrolled again. The NAT settings should remain the same after the migration process.
  • Post server migration, for OS deployment, new bootable media has to be created or existing media has to be modified for offline image creation and image deployment. Also, the DHCP Server configuration has to be modified.
  • Ensure that FQDN/IP details of the new server machine are updated on the SAN/CN list of the SSL certificate. You can also use a new SSL certificate with the updated FQDN/IP details.

Steps to be performed on the current Endpoint Central Server setup

  1. From your web console, navigate to Admin tab and under Server Settings , click on Central Server Migration and choose Change in FQDN and IP address
  2. Provide the details of your new Endpoint Central Server and save.
  3. You will be redirected to the page where you will be able to download the server migration guide and perform the 'Steps to Ensure' given in the guide before initiating the migration process. 
  4. From Command Prompt in administrator mode, navigate to <Installation_Dir>\bin and execute the command server-migration.bat enable in your device.
  5. Example : C:\Program Files\UEMS_Central Server\bin ---> server-migration.bat enable

Note: Executing this script will disable the Endpoint Central Service and you will not be able to connect to the web console. The web server alone will run in the background to redirect the agents and distribution servers to the new server.

  1. Zip the entire Endpoint Central installation directory named UEMS_Central Server. Once the zip file is ready, manually copy the file and paste it in the new computer where you are going to install the Endpoint Central server. Extract the UEMS_CentralServer.zipin the new server.

Note: Please avoid restarting or shutting down the server machine until the migration process is complete and all agents have successfully connected to the new server. 

Steps to be performed on the new Endpoint Central Server

  1. Navigate to <Installation_Dir>\conf and delete ws.modtime file.
  2. From command Prompt in administrator mode, execute the Migrate-DCServer.bat from <Installation_Dir>\bin in your device.
    For example, C:\ManageEngine\UEMS_CentralServer\bin ---> Migrate-DCServer.bat

Steps to reconfigure the Secure Gateway Server

If you have a secure gateway server, after server migration, you need to update the new server machine name and IP address in the secure gateway server. To know more, click here.

How to check whether the server migration is successful?

To ensure that the server has migrated successfully, check whether all the agents have contacted the new server setup. To do that, follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the Endpoint Central server web console.
  • Navigate to AgentScope of ManagementComputersCreate new filterLast contact time after server migrated time/ new server start up time.


Frequently asked questions

1. When do you remove the old setup after server migration?

Do not remove the old setup until all the agents start reporting to the new setup.The agents and the distribution servers, during their next contact, will pick up the details of the new server and start communicating with the new server subsequently. You will need to run the Endpoint Central Servers at both the installations till all the agents start reporting to the new server. Once all the agents have contacted the new server, you can then uninstall the old server.

2. Do you have to reapply the server license after server migration?

You need not reapply the server license after server migration.

Windows agents can be informed about the new server's details using a GPO script
Agents can also be informed about the new server's details using commands



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