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How to manage files and folders | File and folder management

The file folder operation helps you to copy, delete, move, rename files and folders in a computer. By enabling the file folder configuration in Endpoint Central, files and folders across several computers can be copied, renamed, deleted and moved with ease. This configuration enhances the workflow of employees, as it enables them to access and use files efficiently and helps maintain proper storage. The file folder operation also helps to eliminate susceptible files and secure machines from threats.

Configuring a file folder operation

  • In Endpoint Central console, navigate to Configurations --> Add Configurations --> Configurations--> Windows/Mac-> File Folder operation
  • Specify the name and description for the configuration.
  • Define the configuration.You can perform the following actions:
    • Copy Files and Folders
    • Rename/Move Files and Folders
    • Delete Files and Folders

Copy Files and Folder

To copy files and folders, select the Copy tab and specify the following values:



Select Action Type

Select the Action from any of the following for HTTP :

  • Files
  • Files as archive

Select the Action from any of the following for network share:

  • Copy a File: Duplicate a single file from its current location to another destination.
  • Copy a File to a Folder: Move a file from its current location and place it into a specific folder.
  • Copy Multiple Files: Transfer multiple files simultaneously to a designated folder.
  • Copy a Folder: Duplicate an entire folder structure and its contents to another location.

Source File

Specify the file that has to be copied. The file can either be in a shared location or in the specified location in the client machines.

Destination Folder

Specify the destination location to copy the files/folders. Dynamic variables can be used here. 

  • Include Sub Folders: This option allows you to include all subfolders within the selected folder when copying or moving files.
  • Continue on Error: This option determines what happens if the program encounters an error while copying or moving files. If this option is selected, the program will attempt to continue copying or moving files as usual, skipping any files that it cannot process.
  • Include Read Only Files: By default, read-only files are not included when copying or moving files. Selecting this option will include read-only files in the operation.
  • Include System Files: System files are hidden files that are essential for the operation of your computer. By default, system files are not included when copying or moving files.
  • Include Hidden Files: Hidden files are files that are not typically shown in file browsers. Selecting this option will include hidden files in the copy or move operation.
  • Overwrite Existing Files: This option determines what happens if a file with the same name already exists in the destination folder. If this option is selected, the existing file will be overwritten by the new file.
  • Create Destination directory if doesn't exist: This option will automatically create the destination directory if it does not already exist. This can be helpful if you are copying or moving files to a new location.

Overwrite Existing Files

Select this option to overwrite the existing files.

Create Destination Directory if doesn't Exist

Select this option to create the destination directory, if it does not exist.

Modified, Created, Accessed

Select this option to specify the modified, created or accessed details of the file/folder.


Enter the valid credentials to access the network share.


Rename/Move Files and Folders

To rename or move the files and folders, select the Rename/Move tab and specify the following values:



Select Action Type

Select the Action from any of the following:

  • Rename/Move a file
  • Rename/Move a folder

Source File/Folder

Specify the file or the folder that has to be copied.

Destination File/Folder

Specify the destination file or the folder. Dynamic variables can be used here. 


Delete Files and Folders

To delete the files and folders, select the Delete tab and specify the following values:



Select Action Type

Select the Action from any of the following:

  • Delete a File
  • Delete Multiple Files
  • Delete a Folder

Source File

Specify the files/folders that has to be deleted

Include Read Only Files

Select this option, if you wish to copy the files even if it has only read-only permissions

Include System Files

Select this option if you wish to copy the system files.

Include Hidden Files

Select this option if you wish to copy the hidden files.

Modified, Created, Accessed

Select this option to specify the modified, created or accessed details of the file/folder.

  • Define the target.
  • Specify retry options if required and deploy the configuration.
  • You can also enable notifications to receive emails based on the specified frequency.
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