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Eliminate data silos with multi-tiered AWS monitoring

Traditional Amazon Web Services(AWS) Monitoring approaches often create a fragmented view with data silos, where information is isolated within specific tiers of your AWS environment. This makes it difficult to identify performance bottlenecks and troubleshoot issues effectively. Multi-tiered AWS infrastructure monitoring with Applications Manager offers a comprehensive solution that eliminates these silos. It provides a unified view across all layers of your AWS infrastructure, including:

Application Tier

Monitor application services for building and deploying applications on AWS like EC2 (virtual machines), Lambda (serverless compute), SQS (message queuing), SNS (simple notification service), and ECS (container orchestration).

Database Tier

Gain insights into the health and performance of database components like RDS (Relational Database Service), DynamoDB (NoSQL database), and Redshift (data warehousing).

Infrastructure Tier

Track resource utilization of storage services such as S3 and EBS(Elastic Block Service), and monitor network elements like ELB(Elastic Load Balancer).

AWS Monitoring Software - ManageEngine Applications Manager

Track critical performance indicators (KPIs) of your AWS resources 

Applications Manager empowers you to unlock the full potential of your business-critical applications running on AWS. Our comprehensive AWS cloud monitoring tool provides granular visibility into the AWS architecture. This enables you to track key performance indicators (KPIs) for a wide range of Amazon services, including EC2 instances, DynamoDB, and RDS. This includes resource utilization, costs, request statistics, and target statuses – all tailored to specific services and instances. Applications Manager's intuitive dashboard consolidates and displays the AWS monitoring metrics in a single, clear view. This centralized dashboard empowers you to make informed decisions about resource allocation, cost optimization, and overall cloud strategy.

Pinpoint the root cause of performance issues affecting your cloud applications 

Applications Manager's AWS monitoring software enables you to identify the source of various performance bottlenecks with its intelligent fault analysis system. Applications Manager's AWS monitor allows you to:

  • Detect and resolve performance issues before they affect the end-users.
  • Set up threshold and performance anomaly profiles for various AWS monitoring metrics to get instant alerts when they are violated.
  • Identify gradual performance degradation and ensure your application always runs at peak performance devoid of anomalies.
  • Associate alerts with notification actions to get trigger SMS or Email notifications or configure automated actions wherever required.
AWS Monitoring Metrics - ManageEngine Applications Manager
AWS Monitoring Dashboard - ManageEngine Applications Manager

Gain insights to streamline your migration to AWS 

While migrating to the AWS cloud can offer many benefits, achieving it with complete ease might be unrealistic. However, with the aid of the best AWS monitoring tools in thr market like Applications Manager, you can expedite your migration to AWS by monitoring key metrics during migration to identify any bottlenecks or performance issues.This allows for real-time adjustments to optimize the migration process. Proactive identification of issues during migration minimizes downtime and ensures a smooth transition. Our AWS monitoring tool auto-discovers resources and gives comprehensive performance insights into your AWS environment which helps make informed decisions before, during, and after the migration process.

Manage your AWS cloud costs with ease  

Enhance the cost-effectiveness of your AWS environment. Applications Manager's comprehensive AWS monitoring dashboard provides detailed utilization and cost breakdowns for all your deployed services. Leverage this granular data to identify opportunities for resource optimization and cost reduction.

Furthermore, you can receive alerts for unusual spikes in spending to identify potential errors or inefficiencies. By leveraging Applications Manager, you can gain greater control over your AWS cloud expenditures and ensure optimal value from your investment.

AWS Monitoring Services - ManageEngine Applications Manager
AWS Monitoring Solutions - ManageEngine Applications Manager

Deep visibility into on-premise, hybrid, and multi-cloud environments 

Hybrid infrastructures that accommodate multiple cloud environments help you achieve greater flexibility, provide control over various workloads, and prevent vendor lock-ins. With Applications Manager's AWS cloud monitoring, get complete visibility to all your workloads across various clouds such as Azure, Oracle Cloud, Google Cloud, and OpenStack, apart from AWS. Monitor AWS to detect common performance problems such as application lags, service outages and server downtimes. Applications Manager also offers container monitoring for popular container services such as Docker, Kubernetes, and OpenShift to give an all-inclusive clarity into cloud functions.

Explore our cloud monitoring page to learn more.

Automate actions for managing your AWS resources 

AWS monitoring tools like Applications Manager help manage problematic AWS resources by configuring automated cloud actions. You can choose to start, stop, or restart your VMs when set thresholds are violated. This can reduce manual intervention and can help you administer actions for your resources without navigating to the the AWS console. Our AWS monitoring system even allows you to execute actions based on business-hours.

AWS Cloud Monitoring - ManageEngine Applications Manager
Best AWS Monitoring - ManageEngine Applications Manager

Leverage AI-powered reports to make key decisions 

With our advanced analytics, you can view historical performance trends, analyze, and plan AWS costs. The capacity planning reports, powered by ML, can pinpoint resources like EC2 instances and RDS that are consistently underutilized. You can then right-size instances or leverage services like AWS Auto Scaling for dynamic scaling based on demand.This can lead to significant cost savings compared to on-demand pricing structures. 

You can easily embed the reports into customizable dashboards without the need for custom query language, and share these dashboards with different stakeholders in your organization.

Go beyond native AWS monitoring tools

While native AWS monitoring solutions like AWS CloudWatch and AWS CloudTrail offer valuable functionality, they can sometimes be complex to configure and might not fit every organization's budget. Not to mention the challenge of employing disparate tools for each cloud provider. By monitoring AWS with a platform agnostic cloud observability solution like Applications Manager, you gain comprehensive insights into your AWS infrastructure without the complexity or potential cost limitations of native solutions(we don't charge per metric or CPUs). Our automated discovery streamlines the setup process, minimizing configuration time, and effort for your team. Whether you're managing a single application or a complex multi-tier architecture, Applications Manager can scale effortlessly to meet your evolving needs.

Looking to start your AWS infrastructure monitoring   journey?  

More on AWS Monitoring

What is AWS monitoring?


Why is AWS monitoring important?


How to monitor AWS services?


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"Standout Tool With Extensive Monitoring Capabilities"

It allows us to track crucial metrics such as response times, resource utilization, error rates, and transaction performance. The real-time monitoring alerts promptly notify us of any issues or anomalies, enabling us to take immediate action.

Reviewer Role: Research and Development

"I like Applications Manager because it helps us to detect issues present in our servers and SQL databases."
Carlos Rivero

Tech Support Manager, Lexmark

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