SQL Anywhere, a relational database system from SAP, aims at remote database management—from mobile devices or places with limited IT support, low bandwidth or intermittent connections, such as retail stores, restaurants and satellite offices. To ensure peak health and performance, perceptive SQL Anywhere monitoring tools that are sensitive to errors are employed by businesses. Applications Manager is one such tool which can help you monitor and maintain your databases and IT environments with minimal manual intervention.
Applications Manager's SQL Anywhere performance monitor collects the data on various performance metrics and interprets into information that is easily understandable. You can monitor and track database parameters closely with information like resource consumption, database space and file details, connection details, and session stats.
Resource usage: Allocate and manage your databases with details about your resources like size of total, free and used memory, disk read rate, disk write rate, number of connections and locks.
Database mirroring details: Keep an eye on mirrored databases with Applications Manager's SQL Anywhere monitor which provides details like mode of mirroring, synchronization status, and connection status of partner and arbiter.
Dbspace and file details: Track the amount of disk and file used by dbspaces inside a database.
Cache details: Applications Manager's SQL Anywhere performance monitor enables you to visualize cache statistics and usage with graphical representations of cache usage, heap, pinned cache, replacement cache, and dirty cache are presented in a graph.
Connection and session stats: Connections stats are available both in tabular and graphical formats for quick information at a glance. With Applications Manager's SQL Anywhere monitoring tool, you can schedule requests effectively by deducing the load on the server easily with the breakup of connection and session requests into HTTP, HTTPS and unscheduled requests. Besides these statistics, information about locks is also available which is useful to find the locks to be released when the degree of latency is high.
See how Applications Manager can monitor your SQL Anywhere databases. Schedule a personalized demo today.
Request DemoIntelligent SQL Anywhere monitoring tools like Applications Manager can generate notifications based on the applied alerting rules on key metric data and escalate issues through email or SMS. Thresholds can be designated for various parameters, and alerts can be configured to trigger in the event of a threshold violation. With Applications Manager's SQL Anywhere monitor, you can establish dynamic baselines to detect anomalies and identify performance degradation in time to prevent major business catastrophes.
Applications Manager's SQL Server monitoring tool provides reports on all important performance attributes. With these reports, you can analyze the historical trends of various metrics to make informed decisions. You can plan your resources by anticipating growth and utilization trends accurately using Forecast reports which employs machine learning techniques to predict utilization for upto 3 years.
It allows us to track crucial metrics such as response times, resource utilization, error rates, and transaction performance. The real-time monitoring alerts promptly notify us of any issues or anomalies, enabling us to take immediate action.
Reviewer Role: Research and Development