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Active Directory Monitoring Tools

Active Directory Monitoring

Active Directory is Microsoft's implementation of Internet standard directory along with protocol names. Almost every company that has Windows infrastructure is likely to be using AD to manage user accounts and access rights within domains. Inspite of its top-notch capabilities, maintaining Active Directory domains is challenging and time consuming as it is still prone to performance issues such as slow logons, accounts locked out, resource access response times, etc. Hence, IT Operations teams need an active directory performance monitoring tool to maintain optimal health of active directory. Also, monitoring Active Directory health goes a long way in ensuring continuity of your enterprise network.

Applications Manager provides active directory performance monitoring by tracking crucial performance metrics and performing important diagnostic tests. It can also act as an extensive AD monitor that identifies performance bottlenecks and employs corrective actions to resolve them ensuring smooth operation of active directory services.

Monitor the performance of Domain Controllers

Keep track of domain controller performance, authentication and service directories (NTDS files). Ensure the NTDS files do not run out of disk space resulting in user authentication and access failure.

Monitor Active Directory services

Applications Manager provides insights about various categories of active directory services such as domain services, certificate services, directory federation services, and rights management. These services have several important functionalities varying from data storage to rights management.

With Applications Manager's AD Monitoring tool, you can get an overview of the state of all your active directory services at a glance. You can keep an eye on the services' health, availability, and start modes by configuring alarms and receiving notifications when the thresholds are violated. Monitor directory services to ensure addresses, email, and phone contacts are always in sync.

Active Directory Monitoring Services - ManageEngine Applications Manager

You can also gain insights into performance counters like number of Kerberos Authentications, NLTM Authentications that can be used to track all authentications serviced by the domain controller.

Monitor AD Performance - ManageEngine Applications Manager

Monitor and troubleshoot Replication Issues in the AD Forest

Active directories operate by replicating various partitions such as schema, configuration, domain, etc. to ensure that the data between domain controllers remain consistent.

With Applications Manager, you can track the replication partitions, understand the load generated by replication operations and measure the ability of the AD server to process this load. Find out if replication-related activities are contributing to processing delays. Quickly become aware of replication issues such as synchronization failures. Applications Manager also provides you details about the pending replications that could indicate processing bottlenecks.

AD Monitoring Tools - ManageEngine Applications Manager

Track connectivity metrics

Applications Manager's active directory monitoring tool provides information about ports - their connectivity status, response time and health. Monitoring port health helps keep tab of computer authentication that takes place through these ports thereby ensuring smooth user process.

Monitoring Active Directory - ManageEngine Applications Manager

Automated Diagnostic Tests

Applications Manager's active directory monitoring software automatically performs certain diagnostic tests such as connectivity check, Knowledge consistency check, File Replication Check, Object Replication check, etc. These tests help you check the availability, responsiveness and overall health of the AD server.

AD Monitoring Software - ManageEngine Applications Manager

Ensure optimal performance of Active Directory Databases

  • Size of active directory database impacts delivery and bandwidth. Become aware of growth in database file size and allocate database file size as per your organization size.
  • Become aware of database disk free space decreasing. If this value drops to near zero or begins to decrease at a more rapid pace, you may need to increase disk allocation, improve database maintenance or perform database migration.
  • Plan capacity of Active Directory directory services better by keeping tabs on the total size of the Active Directory database disk drive.

Prevent server overload by tracking LDAP and LSASS counters

Local System Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) process can sometimes use up enough resources to hang or crash a DC and cause client log-on delays. Understand what causes a heavier load on the LSASS process - it could be inefficient LDAP queries by a user, an application or even a Linux client Log-on.

Become aware of sudden surges in numbers of clients connected to an LDAP session.. This may indicate that either another domain controller has gone offline, or that a change in the Active Directory subnet definitions has defined this DC as "closest."

Solve DFS Replication issues

With Applications Manager's AD Monitoring software:

  • Become aware of applications such as antivirus causing the DFS Replication service to consume excessive CPU and memory.
  • Know when to increase staging quota.

Fix issues with Active directory address book

Understand the number of client applications that knows how to create an address book session to the global catalog using NSPI through.

Identify number of jobs in the queue

If the number of jobs exceeds the upper threshold, the server may be overloaded, need a hardware upgrade, or needs further replication tuning to optimize performance.

Start monitoring Active Directory in just a few minutes

If you are looking to monitor your Active Directory Service, just download a trial version of Applications Manager, set up the Active Directory monitor, and start tracking the performance now!

Common questions asked about Active Directory monitoring

What is Active Directory monitoring?


What makes Active Directory monitoring complicated?


What are the key Active Directory performance metrics I need to keep track of?


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"Standout Tool With Extensive Monitoring Capabilities"

It allows us to track crucial metrics such as response times, resource utilization, error rates, and transaction performance. The real-time monitoring alerts promptly notify us of any issues or anomalies, enabling us to take immediate action.

Reviewer Role: Research and Development

"I like Applications Manager because it helps us to detect issues present in our servers and SQL databases."
Carlos Rivero

Tech Support Manager, Lexmark

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